Planos de casas modernas pequeñas

Innovadora, original, que ahorra espacio, ecológica y confortable. Éstas son las cualidades clave sobre las que construimos nuestros planos de casas pequeñas modernas. Si busca una solución eficaz y creativa para una vida sostenible, elija uno de nuestros planos de casas pequeñas modernas.

Planos de casas modernas pequeñas

“Modernity is the transient, the fleeting, the contingent; it is one half of art, the other being eternal and the immovable.”
Charles Baudelaire

Modern small house plans are the best choice for those who search for an alternative to traditional architecture. Our modern small house plans are designed with a special focus on the efficient use of energy and resources. A unique flooring system prevents heat loss and accumulation of excessive humidity. We also thought of water-saving. Our modern small house plans have a special water system which accumulates rain and saves it for further use. Another advantage of our modern small house plans is that they are easy to build without any specific equipment, as can be seen on the framing system. Pick your favorite simple house design and build your own living today!